The .COOP Domain Name Extension

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What is a .coop domain name extension, and who is eligible?

The .coop domain name extension was created by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). Once an eligibility check has been done, it is accessible to all legally incorporated co-operatives, organizations, research groups, associations, and other initiatives operating within the co-operatives and mutuals sector.

Why should you care about having a .coop?

Using the .coop domain name extension for your website is clear messaging that makes your organization immediately identifiable as official, and as part of a greater movement. Using this common identifying feature solidifies the links within the co-operative movement, aligns you with the values of co-ops across the globe, and shows solidarity and growth to those outside of the co-operative movement.

For more information and resources about the Co-operative Identity, check out their Learning Hub!

How can we help you?

As the only official registrar in Canada, we at CECNB have the experience to streamline the process of obtaining a .coop domain name extension, making it stress-free and easy for you! If you need our services, please let us know!

Please keep in mind that you will need to be a legally incorporated co-operative, and have your Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws on hand in order to begin this process.

What are you waiting for?

Join thousands of co-operative businesses and associations from around the world who are using the .coop domain - check out the Co-operative Identity website.